N6ORS's Long-Delayed SSB Rig
We've heard of a few of these "long-delayed" projects. My own 38 year pause in the Herring Aid Five receiver project comes to mind. I like Keith's idea of a "homebrewers home frequency" but I strongly suspect it would be a very lonely place! Thanks for sending us the pictures of your rig Keith.
This project started out about 20 years ago as
a 2 meter FM handheld, then sat in boxes for decades.
Thanks to you and Pete and your podcasts keeping
me company, it morphed into a homebrew 2 meter SSB
rig. It saw 'firstlight' last weekend. Of course
I had to operate it without the covers but I made
a short QSO, about 1 mile across town with the wife (kg6oeo).
Homebrewers should pick a "Homebrew home frequency" on
various bands to facilitate homebrew to homebrew contacts.
Keith N6ORS
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