N0YUD's Mighty Mite (complete with harmonics)
Bill N0YUD built this really nice Michigan Mighty Mite. I like the wood base (with little feet!). And the classic black 35 mm film container. And the Vero board. Fancy connectors too! Nicely done Bill.
Bill has also wisely left space for a low pass filter. As you can see in his 'scope picture below, the MMM produces a lot of harmonics. With a low pass filter, that mess will turn into a beautiful sine wave. We'll be talking about harmonics and low pass filters in the next podcast.
Hi Bill and Pete,
I just completed my Michigan Mighty Mite and am proud to announce it seems to be generating about 1 watt of what appears to be extremely harmonically challenged RF. I was worried about the ugly signal on my scope until I saw another screen shot on the blog page that looked almost exactly the same as mine.
What a fun project and lots to learn with just 7, or in my case 8, parts (I had to stack a couple of 56ohm resistors). I utilized those small pc board sockets for the coil and crystal so I can easily change bands and also left room for a low pass filter....
I am still struggling with the tank coil theory and impedance... Impedance matching is a very murky area for me!
I am looking forward to building the low pass filter. By the way, I checked for third and fifth harmonics and could not hear anything on my receiver. There's another question, why does this circuit generate odd harmonics? Fun stuff, this learning game!
I love the Podcast! Thank you for your efforts and keep them coming.
Bill McMillan
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