Some Colorburst QRP Encouragement from ND6T

2:30 AM , 0 Comments

Don ND6T has been helping us come up with a good simple low pass filter for the MMM (Steve Smith and the FCC insist).    At the end of one of his e-mails, he shared this QRP Colorburst gem: 

Be prepared to be occasionally amazed. Back in the late 70's I worked all over the western U.S. with under 1/2 watt. Regularly. Even a QSO with a UA0 (Siberia) with under 1 milliwatt, he having answered my CQ! I was seeing if I could "get out" using a single "D" cell flashlight battery that was too weak for the flashlight. All using a colorburst crystal. Oh, and a dipole 100' high stretched over a creek.
Don      ND6T

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Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google