Fwd: CBLA is on the air

5:22 AM 0 Comments

    Hi Bill,
    No contacts yet but it sounds good into a dummy load. HA!
    My plan is to put the whole thing up at the antenna and run the keying leads into the shack. Not shown on the pill bottle cap is a 9V battery connection. At 9V I get about 100mW out. With out the LPF and using 12V I can get about 1/2 watt. Total cost of the project? $0.00

    Thanks again for the inspiration to heat up the soldering iron once more.

    Jim.. WA7HRG

No cost!  That's the HB spirit!  I like the LPF and that pill bottle modular construction is very cool.

This is the perfect time of year for CBLA operation on the QRG.

73 and 3579.......Steve Smith WB6TNL
                   "Snort Rosin"
CBLA # 1


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google