Pete's Homebrew Double Balanced Mixer Video (Part 1)

Another great video from the famed Italian Director Giovanni Manzoni!  Bravo Giovanni! 

Pete's discussion of double balanced mixers and the associated toroids has made me feel uneasy about my efforts in this area.  I wonder if my diodes were completely matched.  And I KNOW that my toroids are not as well done as Pete's.  

I recently put an SBL-1 into my old, long-evolving 20 meter ceramic resonator DSB rig. Careful with those nice little boxes! A bit too much juice and you can fry the little internal toroids (as I have done!). 

A while back I found in an RSGB Handbook a nice diagram showing how the diode ring mixer does its thing: 

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Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google