Edison is Off The Grid (and has been for 24 years!)
I talked to him last night on 17 meters. He's a nice fellow. When your first name is Edison, that's an indication that you might have THE KNACK.
From his QRZ page:
Ready for this?
My wife and I have lived off-the-grid for more than 24 years. Solar and wind are our main power sources on our mountain, although, we did finally add a generator to our available power sources, for those long days of "NO SUN" in Winter. Check out the view from my home at this site: http://mycampage.com/rosevalleycam and also look at the other links on the page. You might find something you like....
I've been a ham since 1967. Started as a Novice near Sacramento, California, where I was born. But WN6FIC soon became WA6FIC, which I remained until the late 90's, when I became N7GCW.
I am a musician. Along with my wife, and Blaine Lindgren, our fiddle player, we comprise the band called "Half-way There". Click on my campage link to see more about me, and you will find all of my other links there too. I am also a photographer. I shoot it all, but REALLY enjoy taking pictures of scenery, and live bands at Concerts we go to. I am also very fond of Sunrises, and Sunsets, and they ARE beautiful here.....
Also, check out his TREK page:
And I liked his description of his county in Washington state:
"...I absolutely LOVE my world, here in our little valley. Our friends are like family here. People smile and wave...and mean it! We heat exclusively with wood we cut from dead trees on our land, use propane for cooking and refrigeration, and we use solar and wind for most of our power needs, only supplemented by a generator in those long days of no-sun in Winter. It's like living in a time warp, here in our neck-of-the-woods.... Do you know that there isn't a traffic signal in the entire county?"
See: http://edisonshomesite.weebly.com/
Our book: "SolderSmoke -- Global Adventures in Wireless Electronics" http://soldersmoke.com/book.htmOur coffee mugs, T-Shirts, bumper stickers: http://www.cafepress.com/SolderSmokeOur Book Store: http://astore.amazon.com/contracross-20