Farhan's New Design: A General Coverage Transceiver: The Minima!

2:11 AM , , , 0 Comments

The homebrew phone QRP community has been waiting anxiously for the unveiling of Farhan's new design:  The Minima.  It is a general coverage transceiver with many innovative circuit features.  It has an Arduino in it and an Si570. Farhan's write up of the design process and the construction of the prototypes is really interesting.


I've built FOUR JBOTs and TWO BITXs.  I even built Farhan's Subway Sandwich Straw signal generator.   So even though I've been trying to keep my rigs all discrete,  I know I will build this one too. 

Three cheers for Ashhar Farhan!  Viva La Minima!

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Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google