Cliff Stoll DEFINITELY has The Knack! And he Kluges!
The Maker Blog has a nice article on Cliff Stoll, the author of "Silicon Snake Oil" and "The Cuckoo's Egg." I liked Cliff's books and included quotes from them in "SolderSmoke -- Global Adventures in Wireless Electronics." I was glad to see that Cliff is doing well and still tinkering. Be sure to check out the video on his R/C fork lift. FB OM.
I was, of course, very intrigued by the slide showing the symbol of the "KlugeMeisters of America." Can we get a pronunciation ruling from Cliff? Can we nominate people for induction into the KMA?
In Spiritu Klugo! Non Vacuo Sine Glyptum! Words to live by, my friends... Patrick Murphy explains all this here:
Our book: "SolderSmoke -- Global Adventures in Wireless Electronics" coffee mugs, T-Shirts, bumper stickers: Book Store: