N9IZ's Steam-Rollered Indy Mighty Mite (Video)

Not even the U.S. Postal Service's Anti-Crystal Steam Roller can stop an intrepid homebrewer.  OM N9IZ got his Mighty Mite working and produced a really nice video and blog post on the project.  You can just feel the enthusiasm:  On the blog he writes:   "Everything was assembled on a bread board for trial.  I must admit to being overjoyed when I saw the visual waveform on the PowerSDR panafall display of my Flex-5000A main shack radio.  So much so, that I ran through the house calling for my YL, KC9TAH.  She was in the shower and thought I’d cut off a finger or something while in the mad scientist lair.  Much to her dismay, it was only a nasty CW signal emanating from the Flex speaker.  She did humor me by going out to see the marvelous project before asking me what I was going to fix for lunch."  FB OM!   
I thought you might like to hear that another MMM has been brought into the fold.  You might remember that the crystal you sent me was steamrolled by the USPS.  Believe it or not, it works!  Not sure the frequency is exactly spot-on, but who cares...it works!  I enjoyed it very much and made a youtube video of the testing process.  I also took pictures and posted it all to my webpage.  Most of my other projects have been more QRO in nature so I'm treading in uncharted territory.  We'll see how far that goes, but right now I'm loving it.  I have my issue of QRP Quarterly and plan to follow along in constructing the LBS project.  All for now from Hoosierland.  Hope you enjoy the blog post on my webpage.  73 OM.


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Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google