SolderSmoke Podcast #167: Arduinos, Amplifiers, Books, and Tribal Knowledge
SolderSmoke Podcast #167 is available:
3 November 2014
Who the heck is Giovanni Manzoni?
Pete's Bench Report:
"Let's Build Something" Project
Arduinos and Si5351s
Bill's Bench Report: 140 watt Amplifier Completed!
Low Pass Filter Design with the ELSIE Program
Samlex Power Supply
How I almost blew it up!
The new amp and the lids in the FT4TA pileup
Tribal Knowledge!
"Nature abhors a vacuum (tube)!" "The Innovators" by Walter Isaacson.
Carter, WA9DNF, REALLY knows which end of the soldering iron to grab!
Meeting with Thomas, KK6AHT. The two electronic cultures.
Interviews by Chris, KD4PBJ, at Two Days in Huntsville:
Glen Popiel, KW5GP, Author of "Arduino for Ham Radio"
John Henry of TenTec
Steve, WG0AT
Giovanni Manzoni
Giovanni Manzoni b. circa 1950 Civatavecchia, Lazio, Italy is a noted videographer specializing in the avante garde use of YouTube in ham radio homebrew settings. Long noted for his insistence on the use of completely home-made video equipment, Manzoni went so far as to demand that his cameras and recorders only use discrete components -- he claimed that integrated circuits "freaked him out." Manzoni's collaborators have long been puzzled by his claim that all his videos are filmed "on location." What he means by this remains unclear, however, in a 1997 interview in QST-Italia, he was quoted as saying "No matter where you go, there you are!"
Our book: "SolderSmoke -- Global Adventures in Wireless Electronics" coffee mugs, T-Shirts, bumper stickers: Book Store: