Thomas KK6AHT's Pacificon Minima Presentation: Noodling! And Maxima Inspiration!

Wow, the Minima presentation by Thomas at Pacificon was really great.   I think he had exactly the right tone and tech level for the digitally-savvy California audience.  His very open description of the ups and downs of his Minima build will surely lure in some new builders, and will at the same time prepare them for the travails ahead!  Great stuff.  I like the mention of Pete's "noodling."  Thomas obviously gets it.  And he obviously has THE KNACK.  Thanks Thomas!  

Thomas has posted his slides and (MOST IMPORTANT) the audio of his presentation.  Just click on the BIG ORANGE play arrow below the slides.  You folks will love this:

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Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google