Drake-uino! Arduino DDS puts Drake 2B on 12 meter band!

5:42 PM , 0 Comments

After using the Arduino DDS as a crystal substitute with my 1982 Barebones Superhet recevier (scroll down), I moved back two more decades and used the DDS as a crystal substitute to put my (early '60s) Drake 2B on the 12 meter band.    This was a hack in which I actually used a hack saw -- I used it to cut open the container holding a crystal so that I could make a socket that would carry the signal from the Arduino DDS into the Drake 2B. 

This video is a bit repetitive, but it stated out at two different videos.  I just put them together.  The last part shows the actual crystal socket hack. 

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Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google