I Too Built a Tuna Tin 2

I didn't plan on doing this.  I didn't even really want to do this.   I've become a phone guy -- I'm not into CW anymore.  I figured I'd just finish the Herring Aid 5 receiver and settle the score from 1976 and that would be it.  But everything I read about the Herring Aid 5 included references to the iconic Tuna Tin 2.  Obviously I was also under the strong influence of my late February encounter with the original TT2 at the Vienna Wireless Winterfest.  That Mojo is powerful stuff!   Then my wife brought home this can of Russian tuna.  The dimensions were perfect.  Then I looked in my junkbox and found 40 meter CW crystals.  That was it. I had to do it. 

I built mine Manhattan style, using several of W1REX's fantastic Me-pads.   I also used as the final a transistor that Rex gave me at Winterfest. Thanks Rex.  Soul in the New Machine. 

I'm getting about 200 mW out.  I;m on 7030 kHz and 7040 kHz and 7110 kHz.   I have the TT2 up with my Drake 2-B (Herring Aid 5 integration will come later).  I can feel the Mojo. 

I just had my first contact with the TT2:  I called CQ on 7110 and AB2RA came back.  Jan was running 20 watts from an old 807 rig, listening with an old Hammarlund.  So it was HB transmitter and vintage receivers on both ends!  FB!

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Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google