Irish Mighty Mite
Hi Bill and Pete,
I couldn't stand it any longer, listening to you guys on the podcast and seeing all the Mighty Mites being built I had to have a go myself. Concerned that I might plunge Soldersmoke into receivership if I asked for a free crystal to be posted to Ireland I used a 3.560MHz one, recently purchased from the GQRP club store.
2 amazing things happened when I was building it.
1) for the first time ever I had all the parts I needed in my junk box. Since getting my licence in 2012 I've been gradually collecting and buying components. It's so much easier when you find everything you need.
2) for the first time ever it worked straight away. When I finished the last component I heard this voice from over my shoulder, it was Pete saying "Now go and noodle through the circuit and check your work" Sure enough I'd missed one of the connections and everything else checked out ok.
So I plugged it in, hid behind the shack chair and turned it on. Success!!!
Keep up the good work both of you!
73 de Chris EI6KH
Licensed since November 2012
Fists UK Member #15966
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