Manhattan Mighty Mite: "Rockin' the Big Apple on 3.579"

Dave W2DAB got his Manhattan Mighty Mite oscillating nicely!  Hooray!  

Check out Dave's report on his Mighty Mite adventure:

So far we have sent out 20 colorburst crystals.  Already we have two circuits oscillating (not counting Pete's and mine). 

CLA is on the march! 

E-mail from Dave: 

Dear Bill & Pete:

Thanks for all your help, I can joyfully announce the birth of my first Michigan Mighty Mite, Oscillating at the frequency of 3.579!  Yes, Pete’s sage advice to flip the coil over was a great help and also my good friend from Vermont (A Michiganian by birth ).  OK, so Bill… you remember your most embarrassing moments in home-brew? Well, here’s mostly what happened: I was reading the article I found online and somehow got 40 meters stuck in my head even though your colorburst was for 80 - So I build a 40 meter coil.  When I realized my mistake I thought - well why not build two of these so I pulled out the Colorburst and put in a Norcal 7.040 and then built a new board with a new 80 coil oriented properly and the pic below is the one you see.  Now I have two Mighty Mite’s that work, how great is that.

My next goal is to continue forward using Pete’s Build Something Video’s, so more fun to come.

I will post a video on my blog of the 80 Meter Colorburst Michigan Mighty Mite uttering it’s joyful tones, but for now I’ve put a lovely photo at the bottom.

Success is sweet when you hear the sounds of the beep!

Cheers and 73 Gentlemen

("Manhattan is more fun in Manhattan”)


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Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google