Regen Receivers in Cuba
Hola amigo Bill:
I was able to pick up the podcast with excellent audio quality.
It is quite true that regenerative receivers are very much in use
even today... for example many if not all of the automobile RF
keys opening and closing the cars doors rely on a superregenerative
receiver circuit !!!
The radio that you copied at the blog works very well indeed
but it would be good idea to include a 5 kilo ohms volume
control.... Very easy to do indeed.
But let me tell you that my favorite regenerative receivers are
the classic ones, using vacuum tubes, and operating them
at voltages not higher than 50 volts... As a matter of fact many
tubes work very well at the 24 volts DC voltage level.
Using the classic Hartley circuit , there is no need for a hard to
find throttle capacitor required by the Armstrong circuit, because
the regeneration control works very well by using a potentiometer
to change the screen grid voltage of the detector.
I agree that using an RF stage ahead of the detector is always
a very good idea.... In my tubes regenerative I use a triode connected
6AK5 clone.... as a grounded grid stage....another 6AK5 clone ( the
6ZHE1P Russian tube ) is the detector and I use another 6AK5 clone
as the first audio amplifier then feeding an audio output pentode
all provided from a very simple basic 70 volts DC power supply.
BTW, using regulated DC on the filaments of the detector stage,
although a luxury by my standards is very helpful to reduce
hum .... 7805 regulator recycled from a bad motherboard, with
one 1N4007 from broken Compact Fluorescent Lightbulb inserted
in series with the regulator ground pin, produces a nice 5.7 volts
regulated DC that with a brand new tube is more than enough... with old
6ZHE1P recycled from Russian TV sets, you add another 1N4007 to obtain
6.4 volts regulated DC....
As said in the podcast, it is very important to do a very good
mechanical engineering job, place the main and bandspread tuning capacitors
away from the front panel, use isolated shafts between the capacitors
and the dial mechanism and make the front panel of a a thick steel
plate if possible.
There is a Dutch Cascode Regenerative radio that several Cuban radio
amateurs have built... it was designed with the amateur bands in mind so
the information about the tuning coils and capacitors lets you
obtain a very excellent bandspread on the ham bands.
I can send you that circuit that uses very common 12AT7-ECC81
and Russian equivalent double triodes.
Keep up the good work amigo and always tell us when the next
podcast is available. BTW it lasted for almost an hour !!!
73 and DX
Your amigo en La Habana, Cuba
Arnie Coro
Host of Dxers Unlimited radio hobby program
Radio Havana Cuba
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