Long Delayed Echo on Radio China International

Several people have e-mailed me suggesting that the weird echo I have been hearing on shortwave broadcast stations is in fact one of the fabled "Long Delayed Echoes" that radio amateurs have been hearing intermittently since about 1927.   I was skeptical at first, but -- at least in the case of the Radio China signal -- I think LDE caused by the signal going around the globe several times does explain what I've heard.  Each trip would add a delay of about .133 seconds, and that seems to match what we hear in my recording:  


Compare that with what K9FIK recorded on 10 meter SSB (thanks Stephen!): 

(you can listen to the audio on this one). 

It sounds very similar. 

If this is in fact LDE, I'm lucky -- this is pretty rare.   And it is a eerie that I first heard it on on Regen receiver from the 1920s!  Above is a picture of the regen used to study the FIRST LDEs. See: http://folk.uio.no/sverre/LDE/

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Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google