Part III with Pete Juliano this Saturday


It looks like Pete Juliano, N6QW, and I will be able to do Part III of our discussion of homebrew SSB gear this Saturday.  We might start out with ladder filters.  Other possible topics include construction practices (shielding, decoupling, the handling of heat, etc), junk-box practices, essential test gear and, time permitting,  tube (or, as Grayson would say, "thermatron") gear. Speaking of which,  here are some pictures that Pete sent me of a 20 meter CW rig he is working on. 

"Here is a 20 Meter station that I recently got working and hope to have it on the air soon. The Rx is something I cobbled together and it does have a Crystal filter. The Tx is an amalgamation of several Handbook radios – one feature it uses a bandpass tuning network from the oscillator to the final. The screen voltage has a separate regulator. Each unit  size is 4 inches high, 4 inches wide and 8 inches long. There is still some work needed for the control and TR."  

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Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google