Overheard at Dayton: Drake 2B Market Manipulation! (& Help needed with 455 kc IF can)
I received a very nice message from Preston Douglas. Conveniently, he is an attorney, and I have asked him to stand ready to defend me in court should I ever be accused of manipulating the markets for Drake 2-Bs (and perhaps the market for SSDRAs).
Can any out there help Preston with his SX-110 455 kc IF can?
May 20 at 3:38 PM
Hi Bill,
I enjoyed #160, even though I heard those talks, live at FDIM.
I thought you'd be amused by what I overheard in the flea market on Saturday in Dayton. I was looking at a Drake 2B and Q multiplier being offered by a lady who said they were her father's. They looked to be in pretty clean shape, though of course there was no way to know what was going on under the hood. She was asking $200 for both, and said she was open to reasonable offers. Now, I already have a 2B and haven't found any need for the Q multiplier. And I had flown out to Dayton from NY, so would have had to ship the pair of boxes home--probably should have bought them anyway and sent them home by UPS for that kind of money.
Anyway, there were two other guys looking at the 2B. One said to the other that these were among the best receivers of the tube era, but that the prices had become inflated by this guy who does the Soldersmoke podcasts talking up the virtues of the 2B. Couldn't help smiling at that.
As to the Hallicrafters SX-110 on the repair bench. Well, I worked out a deal with a professional tech guy to trade him my non-working HP 8640b sig gen for some bench time on the 110. He found that the first IF transformer that I was having so much trouble aligning was non-working. He had no replacement, so he bypassed the whole transformer with a cap to get signal to the next stage. This is, of course, not a satisfactory solution. And nobody has that IF can to sell. I did read on another radio repair guy's web site that he, too, usually stops working on a set with a bad IF can because repair is so labor intensive.
Frankly, I don't accept that. I mean what's inside there? A couple of coils and some open silvered mica leafs. So, I plan to remove the can, open it, and fix it. According to the Internet, the built-in caps on these cans become defective and need replacement by modern capacitors. Or, maybe a wire is broken off. Before I do anything, I am going to see if that transformer is really unable to peak at 455. Anyway, maybe I'll get some time to mess with this radio over the holiday weekend.
One of the guys (or was it you?) recently said he builds 'em, makes a few contacts to prove they work, and then puts them on a shelf. Then he builds another one. It's like that sometimes.
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