"That 70s Show": Steve "Snort Rosin" Smith Restores a 70's era Tuna Tin 2

Hi Bill,

Your recent stories about your TT-2 and original TT-2 "mojo transfer" prompted me to resurrect my TT-2 'resto' project. 

The attached photos show my 70s era TT-2 obtained for $5 from a QRP-L member.  This is how I received it and you can see that it's almost a duplicate copy of the original, complete with 'phenolic' substrate PC board material and hand-scrawled traces. 

I have collected most of the components necessary to convert it to a look-alike of Doug Demaw's 1976 item.  I already have 1 or 2 of the proper Radio Shack RF chokes but lack one more to have the complete set and I'm about to grab some original Radio Shack 276-1617 transistors.  The rest of the missing/incorrect parts I can drag out of the ever expansive Snort Rosin junque box. 

By hand selecting the two transistors for max. power gain I hope to eek 300 mW out of the thing.

Anyway, hope you enjoy the shots and I'll send more when it's finished.

73.......Steve Smith WB6TNL
          "Snort Rosin"

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Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google