Christmas Eve Fessenden Memorial Broadcast on 486 KHz
Imagine it is Christmas Eve, 1906 and you are on the air, listening to the harsh buzz of Ol' Spark Morse Code. Suddenly, in the headphones you hear a human voice and music.Brian Justin has set up an experimental station that recaptures that magical "birth of radio telephony" moment. He will be on the air this Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year's day. Here is what W4DEX heard during last year's event: to Honor Early Wireless Pioneers with Longwave Transmissions
Fessenden |
As he has over the past several years, Brian Justin, WA1ZMS/4 -- as experimental station WG2XFQ -- will transmit voice and music on 486 kHz on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and again on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. Transmissions will begin at 0001 UTC and end at 2359 UTC. Justin, who may be better known for his microwave exploits on ham radio, will use an AM audio loop modulating his vintage-style,
homebrew transmitter to honor Reginald Fessenden's Christmas Eve 1906 AM voice transmission.
WA1ZMS constructed his MOPA transmitter from 1920s-vintage components. [Brian Justin, WA1ZMS, photo] |
"While his original transmissions used a set of carbon microphones in the antenna lead to modulate the signal," Justin explained, "WG2XFQ will be utilizing true Heising modulation in honor of Raymond Heising, who developed this early form of amplitude modulation during World War I.Justin constructed his 5 W master oscillator power amplifier (MOPA) transmitter using 1920s-vintage components. He said a modern 500 W FET linear amplifier allows him to meet his WG2XFQ ERP limit of 20 W. An RF engineer, Justin collects pre-1920 wireless gear and has a World War I Heising-modulated aircraft transmitter he's planning to restore. Justin was an active participant in the ARRL's WD2XSH 600 meter experimental project.
(From the ARRL Newsletter)
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