Knack-to-the-Max! Early Moonbounce

The link below will take you to an amazing collection of QST articles describing the early days of EME or "moonbounce."  Very interesting.   I was really blown away when I found out that Ross Bateman, W4AO, (pictured above, on the left) did the very first amateur moonbounce work from the small suburban Washington town that I live in now -- Falls Church, Virginia!

I am trying to find OM Ross's old address or more info about him.  If anyone has an old callbook, could you please look up Ross Bateman, W4AO, aka W4XNB?   He worked at the National Bureau of Standards. 

The moonbounce story is filled with interesting technology and characters and clubs.  Sam Harris and his Rhododendron Swamp VHF Society sounds like our kind of group!  Scroll through the OK2KKW web site and you will come across our esteemed Doug DeMaw and Bill Orr.

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Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google