BITX Build Update #20 -- Switchable Crystals, South Africa QSO

2:52 AM , , 0 Comments

I got tired of popping the hood and manually changing my VXO crystals.  First I tried to switch the rocks using a rotary switch on the front panel, but I think the leads were too long and the output was kind of squirrely.   So I dug around in the junk box and found a 12 volt double pole double throw relay.  I put the crystal sockets across the two poles and ran leads from the armature terminals to the crystal terminals. I use the rotary switch to activate the relay.  I cover about 41 kHz of the 17 meter band with the two crystals. 

17 meters has been in great shape.  On November 16 I had a very nice contact with Syd, ZS1TMJ in Glenwilliam, South Africa.  That's about 8000 miles on 5 watts SSB.   

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Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google