Fixing TEK 465 Oscilloscopes

I'm having TeKnical difficulties.  My beloved Tek 465 'scope quit on me.  I'd been running it continuously for a day or so, watching the output on my BITX VFO.  Then, suddenly, it blew the 1.5 amp fuse.  I replaced the  fuse, but afterwards the trace was gone and the "Low Line" light was acting weird -- on when it should have been off, then flickering.   I consulted with Alan Wolke.  He happened to be out at TEX HQ in Beaverton, Ore.  He provided some good suggestions, but before I had a chance to try them, the trace came back.  I attributed this good luck to the Radio Gods being pleased with Alan's presence in Beaverton... but my reprieve was short-lived.  Trace went out again today. 

I found this video of the legendary Jim Williams (RIP) fixing a Tek 465.  (Check out Jim's junk box!)
I'll start by checking the Tantalums.  I may get lucky. 

If anyone has any other suggestions, send them this way.  The Tek scope may be old, but it is a COMPLICATED piece of gear... 

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Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google