Soul in the Old Machine: HW-101 Saved From Workshop Cannabilism
Most of our correspondents did not like the idea of me trying to convert my Heath HW-101 into a BITX-101. But, thinking that I still might to this, I decided to take the old rig off the shelf and see what it looked like. I liked the looks of it -- lots of space, simple circuitry, nice belts and gears for turning the many variable capacitors, no black box ICs. I could see traces of my earlier repair adventures -- electrolytic caps that had been replaced, the plastic dial clutch that I'd "fabricated" myself. Then I decided to try to fire it up. Hey, the receiver sounded very good. Next thing you know, I was getting the transmitter going. Then I was working DX on 20. By the end of the afternoon, I knew there was no way I would be tearing this old rig apart. There is simply too much soul in this old machine. More on this in SolderSmoke 154....Our book: "SolderSmoke -- Global Adventures in Wireless Electronics" Our coffee mugs, T-Shirts, bumper stickers: Our Book Store: