Oldest Drake 2B? (now with pictures)

4:50 AM , 0 Comments

Bill and Soldersmoke readers,
One of the earliest and still surviving Drake 2Bs is owned by Paul Brock (K4MSG) of Hamilton, Virginia.
Paul is very much into Boat Anchor Ownership and Restoration.  
If you are interested, look at his write-up titled “The Magic of Boatanchors” http://www.k4lrg.org/Projects/Magic_of_Boatanchors/index.html
K4MSG’s Drake 2B Receiver s/n 2052
In my perspective, this receiver is still an absolute “Keeper.”  
If anyone has a Drake 2B older than Paul’s,  we’d love to see it.
We have all surmised that the first 2B was serial number 2000, from the first production run back in April 1961.
Paul’s radio could have easily been one of the first receivers to hit the market.
Interesting sidebar; The early 2B and 2As do not have the red scale log scale adjustor button.  
I remember these when they first hit the market. They seemed so small compared to the Hammarlund, Hallicrafters and National triple conversion receivers from the same era.
Most Old Timers felt they were not going to get their monies worth with a tiny receiver sitting next to their big 60 to 100 Lb. transmitter.
In 1962, this was a very modern radio both in style and performance. Coupled with the Q-Multiplier/Speaker you had a superb receiver which worked extremely well on C.W., A.M. and S.S.B.
My first experience with the Drake 2 B came at Skyview Radio Club near the Pittsburgh, Pa area back in 1965.
Here is one of those early ads that show the Drake 2B without the Red Scale Slider Button.
Happy building and melting solder everyone.
73’s De -=WA3EIB=- Harv. Albq., NM
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Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google