HB-101 ? BITX-101?

OK, so I've been wanting to build a BITX-20 for a long time.  Then Steve "Snort Rosin" Smith sent me a nice 9 MHz filter, and I started to think about using it to build a BITX 75/20.   But I don't really like 75 meters too much...  And I have this Heathkit HW-101.  I like it very much, but these rigs do not age well:  Too much heat, too many cheap components, tubes on PC boards... yuck.  I got tired of fixing it.  I've occasionally fantasized about scrapping most of the HW-101 circuitry and turning this rig into a 100 watt linear amplifier. But I didn't have the heart to do this.  Then, on the way to work yesterday it hit me:  Why not take the beautiful bi-directional circuitry of Farhan's BITX design and use that to solid state most of the HW-101?    Obviously I'd retain the finals and maybe the driver, and the CW and SSB filters.   The VFO could be transistorized.  Maybe I'd retain the tube AF amp.  I'd like to add 17 meter capability.  Pete Juliano took an HW-101 and added a digital dial (that's his rig in the picture).
What do you guys think?  Am I nuts?  Or would this be a worthwhile project? 

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Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google