Adventures with Small Computers

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I've succumbed to the lure of the tiny computers and microprocessors.  This weekend I was playing with the Arduino that I bought (supposedly) for Billy.   You see, I have a little microprocessor-based keyer in my ten meter beacon rig (Demaw's "Lil'Slugger") .   It works fine once you get the desired Morse sequence into it, but getting that done is difficult and frustrating for someone (like me) unaccustomed to an iambic keyer.   So I was thinking that this would be easier just to replace the keyer with  an Arduino.  I was right.    With some help and advice from Billy, I got the Arduino going, and got the little LED blinking.   Then I took some code from Mark K6HX, modified it for my call-sign, and loaded it into the Arduino.  No problem at all.  Kind of fun.  And it opens your eyes to all the possible applications of this little board. 
Unfortunately, in the course of fooling around with the interface between the board and my rig I think I did damage to my Arduino.  I managed to blow out the blinking (pin 13) LED on the board.  I could live without that, but now the ICs get very hot (especially the little surface mount chip just below the 16 MHz crystal).   Anyone hope of fixing this?  (I've already ordered a replacement board,  but I feel guilty about this.)
Here's a good article describing the pros and cons of Arduino, Raspberry Pi and Beagle Bone: 

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Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google